Absentiemanager mobile app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: Absentiemanager Mobiel
First release : 09 Dec 2012
App size: 0 Bytes
NL- Absentiemanager is de verzuimapplicatie voor iedere organisatie met personeel! Met de software van Absentiemanager heeft u altijd zicht op de actuele verzuimsituatie binnen uw organisatie. Naast het vastleggen van verzuimdata, is Absentiemanager een analyse- en sturingsinstrument bij de aanpak van verzuim en arbeidsongeschiktheid.
EN-This app is specifically designed for your organisation that want to manage sickness, it helps users register sick and better with in the organisation. They can also see their sick history.
With the Free version of Absentiemanager App, any company will have an overview of the current absenteeism situation with in the organisation. In addition to recording absenteeism data, Absentiemanager app is an analysis and management tool for dealing with absenteeism and incapacity for work. These features are not included in this free version of the App.
The advanced feature also stores workflows, protocols and information flows a in the Cloud and makes accessible to authorised parties such as service provider, company doctor and HRM managers.